Topic: Monthly Themes

Stewardship Sunday

We will start this off this month of interdependence by celebrating our own community! Today, we’ll learn about the spiritual practice of generosity, and members of our Stewardship Team will show us concrete ways to put that into practice, during and after the service. We’ll also … read more.

Seeing the Light

Seeing the “light” enables us to have a vision of being our whole selves. It connects us to a source of power which  sets a path for us to engage the world around us with a sense of hope and duty…

James Morgan is an organizer … read more.

The Joy of Gender

Gender is a topic as complex as humans are, with there being so many gender expressions and experiences. Join us this Sunday as we look to transgender authors, poets, and ministers to celebrate the transformation that comes when with gender. Whether you are transgender, cisgender, … read more.

The Eye of the Beholder

So much of art, of all human expression, is devoted to the subject of beauty. Of describing it, or attesting to it, or lamenting its absence. And yet, actually quantifying what is required in order for an object or a person or even a sound … read more.

“Every Person…?”

Between the brutality of war in our time and the cruelties perpetrated by our own lawmakers against the most vulnerable among us, the world feels like a horror show these days. How do we reconcile our passions for confronting injustice — and the desire for … read more.