Topic: Monthly Themes

Let It Be Enough

We spend so much time chasing expectations, those of others and those we place on ourselves.  It becomes such a way of life that we don’t notice we are doing it or what it is doing to us.  This morning, we’ll stop … read more.

What Did You Expect?

A flyer for local events in solidarity with this week’s Global Climate Strike reads “The world’s youth are calling for a turning point.  It might not be too late.”  This morning, we’ll reflect on human-caused climate change and the possibilities of adaptation … read more.

Drenched In Life

As we come together in multigenerational community for our annual in-gathering and water communion service, we’ll reflect on thirst and saturation.  Please bring a small vial of water that holds meaning for you, to pour into our communal bowl.

The Power of We

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association, and is made up of five days of worship, learning and UUA business. Rev. Karen is attending GA online this year, and will offer her reflections on this experience.

Falling in Love

Three JRUUC members will share a personal store related to June’s theme of beauty. The service is inspired by poet Mary Oliver’s encouragement to “Love yourself.”

The Beauty of All Ages

What does it mean to be a multi-generational community? With help from JRUUC youth, we’ll explore ideas, stories, and sources of inspiration about shaping worship, religious education and faith formation experiences that include and celebrate all ages and stages.

You Are Beautiful

Each and every one of us – regardless of color, shape, identity – holds beauty. This morning we’ll explore the power of the affirmation of our own beauty.

Beauty Is…

Our annual flower communion is a time to reflect on what we give to and receive from our community. This morning, we’ll remember the context in which Norbert Capek created his flower ceremony and the importance of beauty in dangerous times.