Everyday Courage

It’s so easy to see and celebrate the “big” acts of courage.  In addition to the heroic acts that alter history, there are also the daily choices that prevent history from altering us!  Bending the arc of the universe toward justice deserves praise, but so does the ordinary work of integrity and not allowing yourself to be bent.  So today’s service is about the everyday courage of living our lives authentically.  

Some examples of everyday courage might include:

  • Embracing your beauty even when it doesn’t fit the air-brushed images surrounding us.
  • Calling out microaggressions that occur daily to too many of us.
  • Resisting the persistent seduction of status and stuff. 
  • Turning down that drink one day at a time.
  • Making yourself get out of bed when the depression tells you to stay there.

The list goes on…

You’re invited to participate in the making of the reflection for today’s service!  Here’s how:

  • Orient yourself toward noticing things in your life that take ordinary courage.
  • When you see or do something that takes ordinary courage, take a picture!
  • Send that picture to Rev. Karen by the end of Thursday, October 20
  • Optional: Write a very brief (less than 100 words) reflection of why you took the picture

Karen will share your pictures and reflections during this service.  We’ll also enjoy two beautiful pieces of music by the combined choirs from First Unitarian Society and JRUUC!

We’ll also say goodbye to our Director of Religious Education, Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney, and enjoy two beautiful pieces of music by the combined choirs from First Unitarian Society and JRUUC and guest conductor Drew Collins!

All are welcome in worship, whether you’ve registered or not.  Your registration ahead of time allows for less congestion at the door on Sunday morning, and it helps us plan for spacing in the sanctuary.

Share the Plate

  • The Share-the-Plate for Oct. 16 and 23 will go to the Community Immigration Law Center. The Community Immigration Law Center strives to ensure dignity and access to justice for people, especially those facing deportation, by providing legal representation and consultations, as well as support and education regarding immigration issues for the community at large.

Order of Service

  • Gathering Song: #188 “Come, Come, Whoever You Are”
  • Centering Sound
  • Welcome
  • Prelude: “Sing Gently” by Eric Whitacre
  • Call to Worship
  • Lighting the Chalice
  • Musical Response
  • Shared Music: Hymn #346 “Come, Sing a Song with Me”
  • Time for All Ages: Ceremony of Release for Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney
  • Shared Music: Hymn #391 “Voice Still and Small”
  • Wisdom from the World’s Traditions: “Courage” by Anne Sexton
  • Reflection: “Everyday Courage” with Rev. Karen Armina
  • Offering: “Dream Keeper” by Rollo Dilworth and Langston Hughes
  • Joys and Sorrows
  • Shared Music: “Sing Your Spirit Home” by Eric Bogle
  • Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction


We have several staff positions open.  Our Office Administrator left the position unexpectedly this week, and so we’re hiring that position as well as a Director of Religious Education, an Interim RE Coordinator to fill the gap until we find a DRE, and a Cleaner.  None of these positions are open to Reeb members, except for the Interim RE Coordinator.  Please share the job descriptions with anyone you think is qualified!  See our website for more information, and contact Rev. Karen with your questions and interest.

Let’s get out the vote in Wisconsin!  Throughout October, you can help your fellow Reebers ‘Get Out the Vote’ by addressing and sending postcards from UU the VOTE to WI residents.  Postcards, addresses, stamps and directions will be provided!  Find them in the Foyer most Sundays in October or contact Megan Barry-Luglio for delivery/pickup/questions.  We have 400 postcards to get in the mail by the end of the month!

A reminder that our annual fundraiser auction and party, the Reeb Rave, is only three weeks away (Nov. 12th)!  The items we auction off are donated, and we also love to auction off seats at events you all host.  So we need your donations and offered events to make it fun and successful!  Get in touch with Tom McClintock to brainstorm items you could donate and events you could host. Click here for all things auction: submit your donation information, learn more about the auction, and view this year’s catalog as items get added.
