Last week, we explored the many kinds of courage it takes to simply show up as ourselves. This morning, we’ll do a deeper dive into the courage needed and the courage shared as we work to build a world where everyone can thrive. We’ll also celebrate National Coming Out Day!
All are welcome in worship, whether you’ve registered or not. Your registration ahead of time allows for less congestion at the door on Sunday morning, and it helps us plan for spacing in the sanctuary.
Share the Plate
Our Share-the-Plate for Oct. 2 and 9 will be Briarpatch Youth Services, whose mission is strengthening the lives of youth and familes. Their Teens Like Us program provides support and education for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth ages 13-18.

Order of Service
- Gathering Song: #188 “Come, Come, Whoever You Are”
- Centering Sound
- Welcome
- Prelude: “We Are All Just Walking Each Other Home,” sung by Kate Munger
- Call to Worship
- Lighting the Chalice
- Musical Response
- Shared Music: “Sing Your Spirit Home” by Eric Bogle
- Time for All Ages: “I Can Do Hard Things: Mindful Affirmations for Kids” by Gabi Garcia
- Shared Music: Hymn #95, “There Is More Love Somewhere”
- Wisdom from the World’s Traditions: “Courage – it takes more” by Philippa Yaa de Villiers
- Reflection: “From You I Receive” with Rev. Karen Armina
- Offering: “Rise Like the Water,” Spirit Caravan to Standing Rock
- Joys and Sorrows
- Shared Music: “Building Up a New World”
- Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction
For Further Exploration – Mentioned in This Service
Poem: Courage – It Takes More – Phillippa Yaa de Villiers
UU Allies for Racial Equity (ARE)
Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM)
You’ve heard by now that our Director of Education is ending her time with us. We’ll have a ceremony of leave-taking for her on Sunday, October 23. And hiring someone to replace her will be a two-step process, so we’ve posted two job descriptions. The first is for an interim Religious Education Coordinator, and the second is for a new DRE. The interim will work with Rev. Karen and our RE volunteers to coordinate the RE program and to help begin the Coming of Age Program. The interim position is open to Reeb members, and will end two weeks after we hire the DRE, or on December 31, whichever comes first. The DRE position is not open to Reeb members. Please share both job descriptions with anyone you think is qualified! See our website for more information, and contact Rev. Karen with your questions and interest.
Religious Education positions are posted here.
Contact Rev. Karen at with any questions.
Our annual fundraiser auction and party, the Reeb Rave, is happening on November 12. That’s only five weeks away! The items we auction off are donated, and we also love to auction off seats at events you all host. So we need your donations and offered events to make it fun and successful!
Go to our website’s auction page to donate or get in touch with Tom McClintock with questions.
Reeb Rave Survey – Help us select this year’s theme!
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Topics: Courage