Each Sunday half of our collection plate goes to an organization within our community. Our “Share the Plate” donation page lists the current recipient and allows you to donate to our collection plate online.

Donate Here

Nominate Here

See Past Recipients Here

Guidelines for “Sharing the Plate” Initiative

  • Any member or friend of JRUUC, hereafter identified as a Reeber, may nominate an organization or project.
  • We invite Reebers, of all ages, committees, and groups at JRUUC to participate.
  • All nominations must use a “Sharing the Plate” Nomination Form and fill out the form completely or attach to the nomination form a document including all requested information, including the organization’s contact person and mailing address. Please use one form per organization.
  • This is generally for non-profit organizations, but can include profit organizations or an unincorporated organizations or a project/s, if meets “Sharing the Plate” Nomination guidelines. (This is an attempt to honor grass roots movements.)
  • Your nomination is good for the whole year of the “Sharing the Plate” initiative.

Priority will be given to, but not limited to, organizations/projects that:

  • honor the JRUUC mission and support UU values, principles, and purposes.
  • support our current focus, seasonal or annual theme or a particular worship service at JRUUC and where appropriate, can supply speakers or present programs during a service or at other times.
  • are local, sustainable and have active participation on some level by one or more Reebers. However, national or global organizations are not excluded.
  • represent a diversity of issues, interests and community needs.

Find out about recent recipients here.