Speaker: Rev. Karen Armina

Out With the Old?

Some kinds of renewal require a full cleansing before they can begin, and other kinds require that we keep something and repurpose it.  And when we choose to keep things, renewal might mean coming back to them just as they’ve always been, or it might … read more.

Beauty Calls Us Together…Again

Last year, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the first flower ceremony as created by Norbert Čapek in Prague, with story and music created especially for this occasion.  The service was so moving, we’ve decided to offer it again this year.  We’ll hear our choir, … read more.

Many Ways to Grieve

There is much that is hard in these times- in our own lives and in the spaces between and around us.  Grieving can be vital to moving forward into life after loss or change, and there is much to learn from each other and our … read more.

So Many Paths!

One of the gifts of pluralism is our ability to celebrate and share what we find on our individual journeys.  On Rev. Karen’s first Sunday back after her sabbatical leave, we’ll explore what she, and we, have learned- and celebrate our reunion!

Instead of our … read more.

On Ministry and Mystery

There are mysteries that are simply part of life, ever present as part of the relationships with ourselves and each other as we stay, leave, and return.  This morning, as we prepare for Rev. Karen’s sabbatical time, we’ll explore how we might remain curious in … read more.

Blue Holiday Service

[Special day and time: Wednesday 5:30pm] The winter holidays are usually framed around peace and joy and hope, and if you’re not feeling those themes right now, you’re not alone.  You’re invited to this evening service, where we’ll share and ritualize the losses, fears, regrets, … read more.

Waiting on a Mystery

For Christians, this is the first Sunday of Advent, the season of waiting and preparation for the birth of their Savior.  It is a time of deep hope, and it begins with the story/mystery of a woman being told by an angel that she would … read more.