Growing Trust
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Please check back later for more about this service.
Community singing cultivates trust and resilience. At this special music service, we will explore what it means to sing Beloved Community into being. Join the Sacred Breath Choir and the JRUUC Folk Group for a musical morning celebrating the harmony we create when we join … read more.
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Worship Associate: Deb Myrbo
Why do some eyewitnesses to tragedies help out and others don’t? How does our trust in ourselves and in others allow us to respond to or survive a tragedy?
Our guest speaker is Tamara Dean, a writer who recently returned to Madison after many years in … read more.
There is an Arab saying that ties together two potentially divergent ways of moving through the world: “Trust in God and tie your camel to a tree.” This morning, we’ll explore how we might balance taking action with trusting that the Universe will hold us, … read more.
Sometimes, in our desire to feel included, we find ourselves showing up as less than our full selves. This morning, we’ll explore what lies at the intersection between being comfortable in our own skins, and our acceptance by the world around us. [Image Credit: … read more.
Competition has long been thought to be a response to scarcity of resources, and one of the drivers of natural selection. What if our survival actually depended on kindness and collaboration? This morning’s explorations are inspired by Darwin Day, Valentine’s Day, and National Random Acts … read more.
The Golden rule helps us remember that all of us have the same basic needs for food and shelter and safety, to love and be loved. But in this world of tremendous diversity, and among the diversity of this our beloved community, let’s also remember … read more.
One of many possible responses to challenging times is to self-isolate. It can sometimes be hard to seek community when we’re feeling low, and yet, feeling part of something can lift us up. This morning, we’ll explore how the experiences we all bring can help … read more.
Stories can offer us ways to strengthen our resilience and build community in challenging times. This morning, we’ll come together to tell some of the stories of our ancestors and our lives, and share the wisdom we’ve learned from them. [Photo by Karen Armina]
Worship Associate: … read more.