Topic: Monthly Themes

It’s Your Choice: No God or Know God

Give yourself this opportunity to learn to be resilient by choosing to focus on “positives,” (acceptance, kindness, unconditional love, etc.) Our negative choices, (anger, hurt, judgments,, etc.) keep us from knowing that our True Self is Spirit, Soul whose nature is JOY. Our … read more.

In the Face of Eternity

As the seasons turn and we become aware of the larger cycles that happen on our planet, how do we avoid becoming lost? How can we be part of the 4.5 billion year old story of life on Earth and still have a … read more.

With an Eye Toward Returning

It’s a joy and an honor to have had over five years of ministry together, and it’s an act of integrity to give your minister time for rest and renewal. On this, the last Sunday before Rev. Karen’s sabbatical leave begins, we’ll celebrate … read more.

Keep the Fire

This first Sunday of the New Year, we gather in multigenerational community to look ahead and reflect together on the possibilities. This is our annual Fire Communion service, in which we seal our intentions in the ritual of the burning bowl.

Round and Round

We have moved through the days of diminishing light, and today is the first day after the longest night! This morning, we’ll explore what it means to have faith in the cycles celebrated with the turning of the Wheel of the Year.

Come, Sing a Song With Me

Many people find awe in the connections that are felt as we lift our voices together in song. This morning’s service is a hymn sing, where we’ll sing together from our hymnals.